ARTIST アーティスト
- ヌビア
Cellist Biography
小学校1年生からチェロを始める。 これまでにソロと室内楽をFrancisco Ochando、毛利伯郎、Sebastian Koloski、Naomi Butterworth、David Kenedyに師事。
2005年から「若きチェリストのための交流コンサート」、学校訪問コンサート、「ガスパール・カサド国際チェロコンクール前年祭」「都響とティーンズのためのジョイントコンサート」など様々な舞台で演奏。 早稲田大学文化構想学部に進学しながら、ユトレヒト芸術大学にて室内楽及びソロのマスタークラス修了。
その後、英国トリニティラバン音楽院にてIndependent Study Programmeを修了し、早稲田大学を中退。
Nubia (Fumihiro Suda), a cellist and music composer, has received numerous awards both in Japan and overseas.
He began his career as a cellist at the age of 6. He furthered his studies in Holland at Utrecht University and in the UK at Trinity Laban Conservatoire, immersing himself in different cultures. Under the guidance of renowned cellists; Francisco Ochando, Sebastian Koloski, Naomi Butterworth, and David Kenedy, he honed his skills.
While engaging in diverse performance activities in various venues such as concert halls, dining venues, clubhouses, and live houses, he has also been involved in backing major artists and recording for anime and game music.
Currently, he is known for his ability to create engaging stages that incorporate pop improvisation, a wide range of cello arrangements across various genres, ensuring that the audience remains captivated.
He is also active as a member of the Japanese-Western string music unit "3x4xS (SA-SHI-SU)" along with the shamisen player SHAMIO. They are expanding the appeal of the cello in Japan and overseas with entirely new approaches.
- 2013年
- 第22回全日本ジュニアクラシック音楽コンクール中学生弦楽器部門第3位
- 2013年
- 横浜国際音楽コンクール高校生弦楽器部門第2位
- 2014年
- 沖永荘一学術文化奨励賞受賞
- 2016年
- 第19回長江杯国際音楽コンクール弦楽器部門大学の部第3位
- 2013
- 3rd prize at 22nd junior Classical Music Competition in Japan
- 2013
- 2nd prize at Yokohama International Music Competition
- 2014
- Encouragement Award at Sohichi Okinaga Cultural Award
- 2016
- 3rd prize at 19th Yangtze International Music Competition

Composer&Lyricist Biography
これまで制作に携わった楽曲は1000曲以上。クラシック楽曲はもちろん、EDM・ピコリーモ・ヴァイキングメタル、シンフォニックメタル・ゲーム音楽など幅広いジャンルから影響を受けた。作曲家 フジキテツ氏との出会いから商業での作詞活動を始め、ゲーム音楽作曲家のヨナオケイシ(与猶啓至)氏に師事。
Nubia has been involved in the production of over 1,000 songs to date. Drawing influences from a wide range of genres including classical music, EDM, Viking Metal, Symphonic Metal, and game music, he began his lyric writing career after meeting composer Fujiki Tetsu, and studied under game music composer Keishi Yonao.
The production team spans across various countries, collaborating with music creators from Japan, the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Norway, Brazil, and more, prioritizing "fit-for-purpose" songwriting.
He is capable of writing lyrics in both Japanese and English, and has a deep understanding of string arrangements supported by his skills as a performer. He also has a reputation for creating music using traditional Japanese instruments. He has provided songs for various purposes including games, anime, voice comics, theater productions, regional development projects, corporate advertising, educational materials, and more, both domestically and internationally.
Main Works
Ouro Kronii(ホロライブEN)/PelleK/Raon Lee/LilyPichu/Loren Allred/Donna Burke/Sakuzyo
『FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH』『リーグ・オブ・レジェンド』『ChainGurdians』『SplatoonTopPlayers』『天穂のサクナヒメ』『ポケモンカードゲーム』『テイルズウィーバー』『ヘンタイ・プリズン』……ほか
Ouro Kronii (Hololive EN) / PelleK / Raon Lee / LilyPichu / Loren Allred / Donna Burke / Sakuzyo
Levi Elipha (Nijisanji) / Yumeoi Kakeru (Nijisanji) / Shin'nosuke Tachibana / Suzuko Mimori / Yoshiki Nakajima / Wataru Urata (Urashimasakatasen) / Tsubasa Yonaga / Katsura Sunshine
"FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH" / "League of Legends" / "ChainGuardians" / "SplatoonTopPlayers" / "Sakuna of Rice and Ruin" / "Pokémon Trading Card Game" / "TalesWeaver" / "Hentai Prison" ... and more